This form is to be completed by non-members who would like to attend a "Come-and-Try" session. Please populate your details and we'll get in touch to arrange a day/time that suits.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastPhone Number *Mobile preferredEmail *Date of Birth *At present, members must be aged 18+ to join. Rowers aged 15-17 need to be accompanied on the water by a parent/guardian. Under-15s are not permitted to row.Emergency Contact *Emergency Contact Relationship *Emergency Contact Phone Number *Permission *I have permission from the person(s) above to list them as my emergency contact and provide their details.Can you swim 25 metres unaided?YesNoMedical DeclarationsYour Competent Cox will be responsible for your safety during the outing, so it is important that you make him/her aware of any relevant medical information or specific needs you may have.NotesIf you have any other further information (e.g. availability) or queries, please note them here.GDPR Agreement *I consent to having this website store my submitted information, which will be forwarded to club officers so they can respond to my inquiry.Submit