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Kinghorn Frostbite Regatta

The aptly-named ‘Frostbite’ regatta at Kinghorn Loch traditionally marks the start of the annual regatta calendar. As it happens, it’s also the first regatta in which Black Rocks has competed! Participating members included a veritable mix of experienced rowers and first-timers, and none of our crews had actually practiced together before – this was going to be a fun-filled test of some scratch crews. Brian in particular was really thrown in at the deep end, as this was actually his very first time in a skiff! But as a fun, friendly and (mostly) relaxed event, hosted and splendidly catered by our friends in Kinghorn Rowing Club, this marked a great way to start out our regatta season.

The races mostly followed a 1km course around Kinghorn Loch, with each boat being sent off around a minute apart and racing against the clock. Black Rocks started the day respectfully with two 4th places, two 3rds, and a 5th. Wormit Boating Club was clearly going to steal the day, winning almost every event. But Black Rocks saved its best until last, beating Wormit into 1st place in the 250 metre sprints by a mere 2 seconds.

You can read more about the event in the event report on Kingorn Rowing Club’s website  by clicking here.

BRRC’s First Winning Crew!

Report by Finlay Robertson