All adult Members of BRRC are required to complete a Membership Form, including individuals joining as part of a single household. Once completed it will contain Personal Information, and will be handled in accordance with the Black Rocks Rowing Club Data Privacy Policy.

You will be considered a member of Black Rocks Rowing Club upon submission of this form AND payment of the appropriate subscription fee as published on this website. The Membership Secretary will provide payment details following submission of this form.

You will not normally be required to re-submit this form when renewing your membership; however you must notify the Membership Secretary if any of your details change.

For household memberships, each adult member (18+) should submit this form.
Mobile preferred
Race categories are typically based on age group and gender, so this information is required to ensure that you are eligible to compete in any races in which you may be entered. Under the terms of the 2020 Rules of Racing, “the gender of a rower is the gender in which they live within their community”.
At present, members must be aged 18+ to join.
The club’s Health & Safety Officer requires this information to ensure that risk assessments are complete and adequate, and that club safety processes are sufficiently robust to safeguard all members. Please declare any disabilities or medical conditions that you think are relevant to your participation in BRRC activities. This will not preclude you from membership and/or participation but must be declared. Should you be in any doubt, advice should be sought from your doctor. Details provided here will NOT be shared with the wider club membership, so it is important that you also notify the cox and/or person in charge of any relevant medical conditions prior to participation in a club activity.
BRRC uses WhatsApp to allow members to keep in touch with each other. By adding you to club groups, your mobile number becomes visible to other members. Please indicate whether you wish to be added to the above groups.
If you have any additional notes or queries, please record them here.